Yesterday I participated in the Hackergarten Basel September 2015 meeting and worked with Lukas @syzer Gintowt on integrating a Reactjs component into the CompHound node.js mongodb web server CompHoundWeb.
Besides that, let me mention tutorialspoint:
If you are interested in learning any new technology, my colleague Cyrille suggests taking a look at tutorialspoint.
It enables you to learn the theory and practice in a real-time hands-on lab at the same time, right there, online. No need for any local installation of anything at all.
It boasts of having the largest tutorials library on the web, covering hundreds of topics, with a wide list of subjects ranging across all the following:
- Academic
- Big Data
- Databases
- Digital Marketing
- Java Technologies
- Multi Language Tutorials
- Mainframe
- Management
- Microsoft Technologies
- Questions and Answers
- Miscellaneous
- Mobile Development
- Programming
- Scripts
- Software Quality
- Telecom
- Web Development
- XML Technologies
I'm sure some of those are of interest to you too!
CompHound React.js Widget
Until yesterday,
the CompHoundWeb mongoose datatable was
driven by a Jade template file views/index.jade
Since it is hard to combine that with a Reactjs component, Lukas replaced
it by a pure HTML file public/index.html
We created version 0.0.16, which I later cleaned up into 0.0.17.
I moved index.html
to datatable2.html and
implemented a new route /datatable2 to it.
It is all up and running on Heroku, so you can see the results live and the source in the CompHoundWeb GitHub repo. The readme there provides more info and testing links.
Many thanks to Lukas for his work and many other interesting suggestions!
CompHound Road Map
At this stage, the list of the things to work on next is still growing instead of shrinking:
- Add the rest of the database columns to the datatable view.
- Implement the react component to view and edit a component occurrence.
- Add a View and Data API viewing component.
- Implement the model translation for the viewer.
- Add a database column for the viewer URN.
- Implement isolated viewing of an individual selected instance.
- Reroute the domain to it.
Wish me luck on finishing this before my conference presentations at RTC Europe in Budapest and Autodesk University in Las Vegas are due, end of October and beginning of December, respectively.