Nowadays, web pages should be based on a responsive web design, or their Google search ranking will suffer.
Today, I finally got around to converting my other blog, launching The Responsive Building Coder, followed by this.
I was prompted by Kean Walmsley's explanation of growing usage of mobile devices, leading to his own recent responsive blog redesign.
The new look is based on the Typepad Snap template.
To complete the switch, I had to fix the banner image and translation widget here as well, just like for The Responsive Building Coder.
I hope you like the result, especially if you are on a mobile device.
Please do let me know what you think. Thank you!
Robots to 3D-Print a Steel Canal Bridge
In case you have not already heard about this (it is pretty viral), a collaboration between MX3D and Autodesk is underway to have robots 3D print a steel canal bridge in Amsterdam [2].
Here is a 1.45 minute YouTube video explaining how: